Adult / Geriatric Neuropsychological Assessments

Why would an adult get "testing?"

  • Have you ever thought you may have attention problems or ADHD?

  • Are you concerned an elderly parent/family member is exhibiting memory problems or early signs of dementia?

  • Have you or a loved one shown changes in thinking and/or behavior following a head injury / concussion?

A neuropsychological assessment can help in all of these instances and many more.

Adult / Geriatric Neuropsychological Evaluations Can Be Conducted To...

  • with diagnosis: An evaluation can help determine if your cognitive changes (i.e., changes in thinking) are due to the normal aging process, a neurological illness, depression, anxiety or other causes.

  • ...determine cognitive strengths and weaknesses: Following a known neurological event or injury, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury, a neuropsychological assessment can determine what areas of thinking and behavior have changed.

  • ...establish a baseline: Sometimes, an evaluation is conducted before (pre-) and after (post-) certain medical or surgical treatments to determine if cognitive abilities were affected.